Replace High Bay WindowsProject Description: LDG served as the Prime contractor on this project. Work performed under this contract consists of the replacement of high-bay windows in both hangars of building 240 at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma. The majority Scope of Work is to remove the existing steel-framed windows with lead-based paint on them and install 1,765 linear feet of translucent wall panels to the existing structural framing. Prime Architects provided limited design/engineering services to complete a set of working documents for use during construction.
Demolition: Removal of existing steel framed windows in both hangar bays which have lead base paint present. The NW side of the building holds frames that shall remain. Open vestibule on NE side of building is to be removed. Certain electrical conduit and wiring to be demolished as well. Construction: Insulated translucent wall panels to be installed in place of windows. Methods to be employed to prevent falling debris inside hangar bays. New electrical conduit to be installed and routed throughout building. Phasing: The Work Area is in an active two Hangar building, with work to be performed in specified Hangar Docks as aircrafts are rotated in-and-out of the Hangar for maintenance. Dock outages will be limited to 5 days. Key Features:
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