Current Federal Contracts
Replace High Bay Windows - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: LDG served as the Prime contractor on this project. Work performed under this contract consists of the replacement of high-bay windows in both hangars of building 240 at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma. The majority Scope of Work is to remove the existing steel-framed windows with lead-based paint on them and install 1,765 linear feet of translucent wall panels to the existing structural framing. Prime Architects provided limited design/engineering services to complete a set of working documents for use during construction.
Demolition: Removal of existing steel framed windows in both hangar bays which have lead base paint present. The NW side of the building holds frames that shall remain. Open vestibule on NE side of building is to be removed. Certain electrical conduit and wiring to be demolished as well.
Construction: Insulated translucent wall panels to be installed in place of windows. Methods to be employed to prevent falling debris inside hangar bays. New electrical conduit to be installed and routed throughout building.
Phasing: The Work Area is in an active two Hangar building, with work to be performed in specified Hangar Docks as aircrafts are rotated in-and-out of the Hangar for maintenance. Dock outages will be limited to 5 days.
Key Features:
- Located in an Air Field Operations area and Restricted Area.
- Lead-based paint on the existing steel-framed windows.
Install Exit Door - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: LDG served as the Prime contractor on this project. Work performed under this contract consists of the installation of an exit door in a tornado shelter in building 460 at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma. The majority Scope of Work is to saw cut an opening in a concrete wall to accommodate a 3'0 x 7'0 door with a hollow frame. Prime Architects provided limited design/engineering service to complete a set of working documents for use during construction.
Demolition: Saw cutting a concrete wall to accommodate a 3'0 x 7'0 door with a hollow frame.
Construction: Welded hollow metal frame and new STC-50 3'0 x 7'0 insulated hollow metal door. Install lighting inside the vestibule and lighted exit signs. Install carpet tiles and new rubber base.
Key Features:
Demolition: Saw cutting a concrete wall to accommodate a 3'0 x 7'0 door with a hollow frame.
Construction: Welded hollow metal frame and new STC-50 3'0 x 7'0 insulated hollow metal door. Install lighting inside the vestibule and lighted exit signs. Install carpet tiles and new rubber base.
Key Features:
- Saw cutting concrete to accommodate door.
- Installing exit door for tornado shelter.
Repair by Installing New FA/MNS - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: Repair and installation of a new Fire Alarm and Mass Notification System (FA/MNS) in the new SWEG facility at Post H51 and H52 in building 9001 at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma.
Construction: Installation of new associated electrical equipment and associated accessories with the new FA/MNS. Installation of new FA/MNS to be fed from one of the Emergency Busways via a step down transformer, manual pull station, duct detectors, addressable monitors and control modules, and power supplies and tie to the new addressable fire alarm panel.
Construction: Installation of new associated electrical equipment and associated accessories with the new FA/MNS. Installation of new FA/MNS to be fed from one of the Emergency Busways via a step down transformer, manual pull station, duct detectors, addressable monitors and control modules, and power supplies and tie to the new addressable fire alarm panel.
Renovate VTC Conference Room - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: This renovation focused on refinishing of walls, pony walls, and acoustical panels. Removal of desk and fixed seating, existing electronics, ceiling microphones, pony wall speakers, pony wall lighting, and outlets. Replacing of ceiling tiles with STC ceiling tiles in the Video Teleconferencing (VTC) Studio and administrative area, the conference table of same design, and the signage in the back of the room. Installation of new desk, new fixed seating, and pre-purchased carpet. All wood on pony wall, table, desk, TV wall should be stained to match coated to hold up to cleaning products. Work with End-User to select the desired fabric for the theatre seating, fabric for sound panels and all other detailed interior finishes. Refinish and reuse the existing 30 year-old sound absorbing wall panels around the room.
Phasing: Repairing and removing items that need it, then renovating the items that are being reused.
Key Features:
Phasing: Repairing and removing items that need it, then renovating the items that are being reused.
Key Features:
- Working with End-User to select desired materials for multiple items.
- Refinishing and reusing existing items.
Replace Underground Storage Tank - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: Replacement of the 15,000 gallon double walled fiberglass UST 2111/185 waste fuel tank and 1,000 gallon waster water UST with a new 20,000 gallon above ground double walled steel tank at the purge tank facility in building 2111 at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
Demolition: Demolish and disposal of waste water tank and existing 150A 480V. Demolish of all contaminated soil.
Construction: Construct a Portland cement concrete secondary containment facility with integral tank foundations.
Phasing: The first phase is the removal of existing 15,000 gallon double walled fiberglass UST22111/185 waste fuel tank, removal of the existing 1,000 gallon double walled fiberglass UST22111/185 waste water tank, demolish and dispose tank as required by State of Oklahoma environmental regulation, demolish all plumbing associated with the UST, demolish of all contaminated soil IAW State regulation and backfill the excavation with clean common fill. Also to demolish existing 150A 480V disconnect.
Phase 2 is to construct a Portland cement concrete secondary containment facility with integral tank foundations for a 20,000 gallon double walled steel above ground storage tank (AST), install one 20,000 gallon AST complete with all required plumbing and pumps. Installation of one electrical fuel transfer pump system with flowrate of 100 gallons per minute or greater in the containment system to enable the transfer of spent fuel from the trailers into the AST. Installation of tank level monitoring panel. Trench and install conduit and wire to the new AST level sensor. Connect the wiring at the Level Monitor to the sensor. Test and certify that the Tank Level Monitor system is operating. Installation of equipment grounding for the new AST. Installation of conduit and wire to provide power to AST fuel pump system. Connect to new branch feeder breaker. Install new 150 A 480/227V break panel with 150A main breaker and install 480V circuit for one pump motor.
Key Features:
Demolition: Demolish and disposal of waste water tank and existing 150A 480V. Demolish of all contaminated soil.
Construction: Construct a Portland cement concrete secondary containment facility with integral tank foundations.
Phasing: The first phase is the removal of existing 15,000 gallon double walled fiberglass UST22111/185 waste fuel tank, removal of the existing 1,000 gallon double walled fiberglass UST22111/185 waste water tank, demolish and dispose tank as required by State of Oklahoma environmental regulation, demolish all plumbing associated with the UST, demolish of all contaminated soil IAW State regulation and backfill the excavation with clean common fill. Also to demolish existing 150A 480V disconnect.
Phase 2 is to construct a Portland cement concrete secondary containment facility with integral tank foundations for a 20,000 gallon double walled steel above ground storage tank (AST), install one 20,000 gallon AST complete with all required plumbing and pumps. Installation of one electrical fuel transfer pump system with flowrate of 100 gallons per minute or greater in the containment system to enable the transfer of spent fuel from the trailers into the AST. Installation of tank level monitoring panel. Trench and install conduit and wire to the new AST level sensor. Connect the wiring at the Level Monitor to the sensor. Test and certify that the Tank Level Monitor system is operating. Installation of equipment grounding for the new AST. Installation of conduit and wire to provide power to AST fuel pump system. Connect to new branch feeder breaker. Install new 150 A 480/227V break panel with 150A main breaker and install 480V circuit for one pump motor.
Key Features:
- Removal of existing 15,000 gallon double walled fiberglass waste fuel tank.
- Installation of 20,000 gallon AST complete with all required plumbing and pumps.
Repair Concrete Stairs - Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
Project Description: Demolishing existing asphalt pavement, including excavation for sub-base work and removal of existing pavement full depth and properly disposed of off base. Removal of existing steel pipe guard rails and handrails. Remove entire stair structure including drilled piers at outside corners. Repair cracked/broken concrete at upper wall area on north side of breezeway just inside face of building. Replace concrete stairs, retaining walls, and footings. Repair existing concrete basement structure.
Demolition: Existing asphalt pavement to be demolished, removed, and properly disposed of off base.
Constructing: Construct new side wall and stair.
Key Features:
Demolition: Existing asphalt pavement to be demolished, removed, and properly disposed of off base.
Constructing: Construct new side wall and stair.
Key Features:
- Demolish existing concrete stair and side wall.
- Construct new stair and side wall, and repair existing concrete structure.